Dev version and https trackers

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Re: Dev version and https trackers

Post by mhertz »

Of-course I could be wrong :) Don't think so however, as I didn't believe deluge actually specifically did anything regarding this, except in case of windows, irrelevant here, but wanted to make sure, as said.

If wanted, then can quickly test again, in non-evassive way, by e.g. if having git installed(still can do without, with few more lines added), then running(path not important, change at will):

Code: Select all

python3 -m venv ~/.local/deluge
~/.local/deluge/bin/pip3 install git+
sed -i 's/false/true/' ~/.local/deluge/pyvenv.cfg
Then start deluge-stable specifically through '~/.local/deluge/bin/deluge'(or it's daemon's instead), or make shortcut(s) like e.g. 'ln -s ~/.local/deluge/bin/deluge ~/.local/bin/deluge-stable'(change to add into '~/bin' instead if wanted, or wherever having own "user-bin-dir" added to PATH) - Normally you specifically activate/deactivate venv's but I prefer doing it this way personally instead, for just simply app-seperation only, and not working with multiple commands in said venv.

Delete the '~/.local/deluge' dir(or whereever choosen path initially) to remove all traces of deluge-stable again, when finished with it.

(Btw, I didn't just stipulate '--system-site-packages' initially during venv-creation, because then pip omits installing deluge because 'deluge' package already satisfied(found) since globally installed already, hence the 'sed' line afterwards, enabling this, to make virtualized deluge have acces to system-wide python3-{gi,cairo}), and libtorrent.

Edit: Sorry, not important but since deluge-stable is already in pypi, then might as well change the pip line installing deluge to just simply '~/.local/deluge/bin/pip3 install deluge', forgot sorry. Btw, for others, if having stable installed, and wanting dev to be available too, e.g. for testing, then can likewise use above posted commands, and just omit the '@master' part at end of the pip deluge install line - default branch is develop and master always is latest stable version btw(for deluge specifically).
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