Deluge does not work

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Deluge does not work

Post by masterok »

:~$ deluge
11:30:45.977 [ERROR ][deluge.ui.client :676 ] Deluge не може знайти виконуваний файл `deluged`, перевірте, що пакунок `deluged` встановлено або додайте його у PATH
11:31:01.095 [ERROR ][deluge.ui.gtk3.gtkui :1481] Deluge 2.1.1.dev7681 requires libtorrent >=
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/deluge/ui/gtk3/", line 309, in _on_reactor_start
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/deluge/ui/", line 637, in start_standalone
self._daemon_proxy = DaemonStandaloneProxy(self.__event_handlers)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/deluge/ui/", line 458, in __init__
from deluge.core import daemon
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/deluge/core/", line 19, in <module>
from deluge.core.core import Core
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/deluge/core/", line 26, in <module>
from deluge._libtorrent import LT_VERSION, lt
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/deluge/", line 33, in <module>
raise LibtorrentImportError(
deluge.error.LibtorrentImportError: Deluge 2.1.1.dev7681 requires libtorrent >=
Deluge does not work.
Version Deluge 2.1.1.dev7681
When you start the program, it asks you to run a daemon, but gives an error.
When you try to switch from a thin client to offline mode, it also gives an error and closes.
A few updates back, there was a problem with the program window loading but the list of torrents was empty. Although the total number of downloads was visible when hovering over the empty list, you could see information about the torrent.
Now it doesn't work at all.
What is needed to provide more information about the error? If necessary.
Operating System: Kubuntu 20.04
KDE Plasma Version: 5.18.8
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.68.0
Qt Version: 5.12.8
Kernel Version: 5.4.0-99-generic
OS Type: 64-bit
Processors: 4 × Intel® Core™ i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz
Memory: 15,6 ГіБ

Делюг не працює.
Клієнт: 2.1.1.dev7681
При запуску програми просить запустити демона але видає помилку.
При спробі перейти з тонкого клієнта на автономний режим теж видає помилку і закривається.
Кілька оновлень назад, була проблема з тим, що вікно програми завантажувалося але список торентів був порожній. Хоча загальну кількість завантажень було видно і при наведенні на порожній список, можна було побачити інформацію про торент.
Зараз взагалі не працює.
Що треба для того щоб надати більше інформації про помилку? Якщо це буде необхідно.
Операційна система: Kubuntu 20.04
Версія Плазми KDE: 5.18.8
Версія Frameworks KDE: 5.68.0
Версія Qt: 5.12.8
Версія ядра: 5.4.0-99-generic
Тип ОС: 64-бітова
Процесори: 4 × Intel® Core™ i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz
Пам’ять: 15,6 ГіБ оперативної пам’яті
Last edited by masterok on Tue Feb 15, 2022 9:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: Wed May 18, 2011 4:32 pm

Re: Deluge does not work

Post by jeps »

Maybe read this post:

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I think it is the same issue that you are describing.
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Re: Deluge does not work

Post by mhertz »

Both of you seemingly on ubuntu, so add libtorrent PPA from jeps helpful post above, update and make sure you have libtorrent v1.2.x,as Cas stated previously, as minimum version now('deluged -V' will show you libtorrent version). Also I remember one time I messed with this in a VM that I needed run 'apt install python3-libtorrent' and not just libtorrent-rasterbar or libtorrent-rasterbar10 or whatever, seemingly split off(python bindings). If everything fails still, then can also just install libtorrent from pypi, which I tested a few weeks ago working fine in Ubuntu VM i.e 'sudo pip install libtorrent==1.2.*', or remove the '==1.2.*' part if wanting libtorrent 2.0.5 instead of 1.2.15,though former less tested in deluge, though works fine in quick testing e.g used by default on arch-linux in official deluge package, since over a month now(only patched for boost 1.78 building, nothing else - fixed in RC_2_0 branch).
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Re: Deluge does not work

Post by Paint »

I am running ubuntu 20.04 and deluge from the dev PPA.

With the latest version (2.1.1~dev7681+8ece03677-202202150216~ubuntu20.04.1), autoadd and other plugins stopped working, even after upgrading libtorrent to 1.2.x

Additionally, deluge-console hangs on any command line command - which has happened in previous versions before. something is definitely wrong here


seems like installing the latest twisted python library fixes the problem

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pip install twisted[tls]==21.2.0
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Re: Deluge does not work

Post by masterok »

It helped me:

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~$ sudo apt install python3-pip
~$ pip install twisted[tls]==21.2.0
~$ sudo pip install libtorrent==2.0.*
Deluge began to work. I switched it to offline. He pulled up a list of torrents. The auto-add plugin worked and downloaded. The upload is going somewhat slowly but it takes time to check.

Делуге почав працювати. Я перевів його в автономний режим. Він підтягнув список торентів. Спрацював плагін автододавання і пішло завантаження. Уплоадінг йде якось туго але треба час щоб перевірити.
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