Proxy Issues

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Proxy Issues

Post by Jaladhjin »

So I know I'm not the first person to raise Proxy issues here & in IRC..

It seems there are times the client just ignores the proxy settings..

Is there a way to enforce them at all times ?

Including if the proxy connection is unsuccessful for whatever reason do nothing.. do not attempt to continue without the proxy..
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Re: Proxy Issues

Post by gderf »

I have never seen what you describe happen. I use deluged 1.3.13 on Linux.

What version of Deluge are you running and can you provide details of how and what you are doing so that others can try to replicate the problems?
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Re: Proxy Issues

Post by mhertz »

Yes there are ways to do that, but it needs the 3'rd party plugin ltconfig with defined options force_proxy and anonymous_mode.

Deluge just sends the configured proxy settings to libtorrent and that's it with regards to deluge. I've mailed with the author of libtorrent several times about this, + studied the docs and api instructions, and it's a fact that libtorrent will not fail closed when error occurs, without force_proxy enabled, that's the entire functionality of the option and else it would be utterly redundant, and it's not enabled by default because udp support usually is very bad with many socks5 proxies according to arvid the libtorrent author and instead an option is introduced if you want strict proxy behaviour, no matter if it means you can't really use your defined proxy then, if having said issue(some protection is better than nothing i'm guessing here the rationale is for that design-decision, and not having a million bugreports about no downloading when using a proxy)...

Note, i've never seen it either when running without said options and using a packet-sniffer(I use tcpdump instead of wireshark, but it's just as good for that), as my proxy fully supports UDP and not usually fails, but it's nice to know atleast that IF it should happen, then it will fail closed and not simply use the unproxied connection. Said in another way, there's no reason really not to use it... I have tested it with a wrong hostname or password and without force_proxy and which continues to download anyway...

Oh, libtorrent versions before force-proxy where introcuced, I must admit I don't know which behaviour they have... Well rather versions before anonymous_mode, because in the beginning that option included force_proxy functionality, and that came I believe in v1.0 or something...

Edit: I used the sniffer to check for other proxy leaks you hear about but none to be found in libtorrent currently. I'm talking about your real IP in the tracker announce optional IP field and in IP field of UDP tracker announces etc.

In qBittorrent which uses same backend as deluge, they introduced force_proxy and anonymous_mode options because of repeated reports about IP leaking when using a proxy... Again, deluge doesn't do anything other than supplying the configured proxy options to libtorrent and lets libtorrent handle proxying-behaviour fully by itself and which is 100% dependant upon the force-proxy setting internally, which is false by default, which can be easilly verified by checking it with the ltconfig plugin which shows current state of all libtorrent options available through the python-bindings...
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