Interface language

Specific support for Deluge on Microsoft Windows OS
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Interface language

Post by khokkanen »


I know that there are topics on this subject already, but the solutions given seem to be either to help translate the software or to check the FAQ. The problem is that the FAQ does not have anything about the subject anymore.

The problems as far as I see it is that Deluge (and many other cross-platform OSS) seem to use location instead of language to determine what language the interface should be. I live in Finland but use English as my language (for various reasons, the most important being that English looks and sounds a lot better), and often these programs seem to think that since I'm in Finland (and my keyboard has Finnish layout) my language must be Finnish - even when I've set the system language to English.

Any solutions (and yes, I have various environment variables set so that some OSS correctly uses English as interface language)?
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Re: Interface language

Post by mhertz »

I'm the same i.e. wanting US interfaces, for reasons of looking up settings better later on etc, and deluge, like other gtk apps will do this fine even with a non US keymap, as i'm using danish there also. In short, change your $LANG var to a US one, like "en_US.UTF-8". You can also make a shell script running deluge preceded with setting the lang var, if you only want it changed for deluge.

Edit: Just reread your post, and it sounds like you've already done the above, so sorry for redundancy then. I'm afraid I don't know what's wrong then I must admit, sorry.
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Re: Interface language

Post by khokkanen »

Ha, yeah. I forgot that occasionally, when Windows updates, it does funny things to the non-default settings. My $LANG-variable was one of the reverted changes. Hooray! Such a joy to work with Windows. Sadly I can't get rid of it, our school supports Linux rather poorly.

Thanks for your reply, got me to check the variables. =)

Re: Interface language

Post by trice001 »

One of the issues bringing on a distinction amongst clients and programming designers is a sure grandiosity about UI improvement. Infrequently software engineers/designers consider that it is OK to build up the center usefulness of the program to start with, and include the interface after. However, this makes it difficult to test that what the program does is the thing that clients need it to do. Additionally, this implies the UI is not tried until late in a product improvement extend. At that point it can be hard to change the UI as it has as of now been dictated by the structure of the program.
There is additionally a specific self importance about visual and web advancement dialects, and that:
• Programmers who utilize these programming dialects are designers, yet the individuals who utilize non visual dialects are "genuine" software engineers.
• There is some sort of contrast between the 2 sorts of designers/software engineers.
• And that non visual designer/software engineers are somehow more gifted and ought to be more generously compensated.
Thanks& regards,
Angel anave
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