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Re: migrating regular install to a headless install on Ubuntu 16.04.2

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 3:39 am
by blackdalek
Damn :( I thought my issues were solved, but apparently they aren't.
Please be patient with me... I am by no means an expert in setting permissions/groups/ownerships, and this has been causing me trouble for last few days...

I've tried several permutations of folder/file permissions and I can either get a download folder where deluge can write and read but the files it creates are inaccessible to my own user,

OR I get a download folder that my user has read/write access to but deluge use can't read or write,

OR a download folder where my user has read/write access but deluge can read but not write.

Can someone please tell me what is the CORRECT permission/ownership settings I need in order to achieve:
1. download folder can be accessed by both my own user AND deluge user
2. files within can be read, written and created by my own user AND deluge user
3. files created by deluge user can be read by my own user
Who should be set as the owner of the folder? My user or deluge user?

This is doing my head in. I just can't get my head around what permissions I should set in order for deluge to be happy and still give me access to the files it downloads :(

I'm sorry if I've missed something obvious, but this is driving me up the wall...

Re: migrating regular install to a headless install on Ubuntu 16.04.2

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 3:49 am
by blackdalek
Just tried this and it seems to be working so far....

sudo chown -R deluge:myuser ~/Downloads/Torrents/

Now deluged appears to be writing to the folder and I am also able to access the folder with my regular user.

Hopefully now I finally fixed this.