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My torrents got SERIOUSLY MESSED up somehow.

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 4:53 pm
by olspookishmagus

I'm trying to resolve a nasty situation as to why my torrents got seriously messed up.

If a torrent would have this following file hierarchy:
I would almost always change it to:
torrent_foo [bla]/
torrent_foo [bla]/file2.qux
and I would set deluge not to download

Now for some reason this hierarchy is lost.

For example on some torrents it has lost that and every file is set to: Do Not Download and also the hierachy is now like that:

I'm trying to resolve this, and even though I set a file to Normal priority it will not change even after I will change to another torrent and back to that one again. Also this behavior happens whether the torrent is set to paused or not.

Any ideas as to what might have happened and/or how to resolve this?

Re: My torrents got SERIOUSLY MESSED up somehow.

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 7:02 pm
by olspookishmagus
Ok, reporting back on my findings.

IIRC, when you were renaming either:
  • the only file of a torrent or
  • the top level directory
then the torrent name would also change to reflect that change.

This is not the case for some of my torrent files, any idea why this is happening?