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Unable to start Daemon

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 4:44 am
by mugiwata
Hey all,

Let me preface with first saying thank you for developing Deluge. Its really been awesome using it the past 5 years or so, and I really like it alot.

I recently started upgrading my environment, and I am having some issues getting DelugeD to start on my new OS (Server 2016). I ultimately am trying to get the Daemon up and running as a service, as it currently runs on my existing 2008 R2 system, but I don't seem to be able to get the Daemon up and running. Any ideas? I have attached the debug log.

Launch parameters: T:\deluge\deluged.exe -c T:\delugeconfig\ -L info -l T:\delugelogs\deluged.log
Output of deluge-console after launching:

Code: Select all

[deluge]: PS T:\deluge> .\deluge-console.exe info
.\deluge-console.exe : [ERROR   ] 21:38:54 client:391 RPCError Message Received!
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: ([ERROR   ] 21:3...ssage Received!:String) [], RemoteException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError

RPCRequest: daemon.login(localclient, ec00b08190543ddd19c3823e5777d61f1417a15c)
  File "deluge\core\", line 262, in dispatch
  File "deluge\core\", line 95, in authorize
BadLoginError: Password does not match
Failed to connect to with reason: Password does not match
Auth File:

Code: Select all

Output of debug log:

Code: Select all

[INFO    ] 21:14:54 configmanager:70 Setting config directory to: T:\delugeconfig\
[INFO    ] 21:14:54 daemon:127 Deluge daemon 1.3.15
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 daemon:128 options: {'profile': False, 'read_only_config_keys': None, 'loglevel': 'debug', 'quiet': False, 'ui_interface': None, 'listen_interface': None, 'logfile': 'T:\\delugelogs\\deluged.log', 'config': 'T:\\delugeconfig\\', 'port': None, 'pidfile': None, 'donot': False}
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 daemon:129 args: []
[INFO    ] 21:14:54 configmanager:70 Setting config directory to: T:\delugeconfig\
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 core:78 Core init..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 core:84 read_only_config_keys: []
[INFO    ] 21:14:54 core:87 Starting libtorrent session..
[WARNING ] 21:14:54 core:197 Failed to load lt state: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'T:\\delugeconfig\\session.state'
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 configmanager:111 Getting config 'core.conf'
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'info_sent' to 0.0 of <type 'float'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'lsd' to True of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'send_info' to False of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'move_completed_path' to C:\Users\admin\Downloads of <type 'str'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'enc_in_policy' to 1 of <type 'int'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'queue_new_to_top' to False of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'ignore_limits_on_local_network' to True of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'rate_limit_ip_overhead' to True of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'daemon_port' to 58846 of <type 'int'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'torrentfiles_location' to C:\Users\admin\Downloads of <type 'str'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'max_active_limit' to 8 of <type 'int'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'utpex' to True of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'max_active_downloading' to 3 of <type 'int'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'max_active_seeding' to 5 of <type 'int'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'allow_remote' to False of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'max_half_open_connections' to 8 of <type 'int'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'download_location' to C:\Users\admin\Downloads of <type 'str'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'compact_allocation' to False of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'max_upload_speed' to -1.0 of <type 'float'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'cache_expiry' to 60 of <type 'int'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'prioritize_first_last_pieces' to False of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'auto_managed' to True of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'enc_level' to 2 of <type 'int'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'max_connections_per_second' to 20 of <type 'int'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'dont_count_slow_torrents' to False of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'random_outgoing_ports' to True of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'dht' to True of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'new_release_check' to True of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'enc_out_policy' to 1 of <type 'int'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'max_upload_slots_global' to 4 of <type 'int'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'seed_time_limit' to 180 of <type 'int'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'cache_size' to 512 of <type 'int'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'share_ratio_limit' to 2.0 of <type 'float'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'max_download_speed' to -1.0 of <type 'float'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'geoip_db_location' to /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat of <type 'str'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'natpmp' to True of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'stop_seed_at_ratio' to False of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'peer_tos' to 0x00 of <type 'str'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'listen_interface' to  of <type 'str'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'upnp' to True of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'max_download_speed_per_torrent' to -1 of <type 'int'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'outgoing_ports' to [0, 0] of <type 'list'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'enabled_plugins' to [] of <type 'list'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'random_port' to True of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'autoadd_enable' to False of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'max_connections_global' to 200 of <type 'int'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'enc_prefer_rc4' to True of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'listen_ports' to [6881, 6891] of <type 'list'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'max_upload_slots_per_torrent' to -1 of <type 'int'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'stop_seed_ratio' to 2.0 of <type 'float'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'seed_time_ratio_limit' to 7.0 of <type 'float'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'max_upload_speed_per_torrent' to -1 of <type 'int'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'copy_torrent_file' to False of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'del_copy_torrent_file' to False of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'move_completed' to False of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'proxies' to {'peer': {'username': '', 'password': '', 'hostname': '', 'type': 0, 'port': 8080}, 'web_seed': {'username': '', 'password': '', 'hostname': '', 'type': 0, 'port': 8080}, 'tracker': {'username': '', 'password': '', 'hostname': '', 'type': 0, 'port': 8080}, 'dht': {'username': '', 'password': '', 'hostname': '', 'type': 0, 'port': 8080}} of <type 'dict'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'add_paused' to False of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'max_connections_per_torrent' to -1 of <type 'int'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'remove_seed_at_ratio' to False of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'autoadd_location' to C:\Users\admin\Downloads of <type 'str'>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:199 Setting 'plugins_location' to T:\delugeconfig\plugins of <type 'str'>
[WARNING ] 21:14:54 config:364 Unable to open config file T:\delugeconfig\core.conf: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'T:\\delugeconfig\\core.conf'
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 alertmanager:53 AlertManager initialized..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 pluginmanagerbase:65 Plugin manager init..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 configmanager:111 Getting config 'core.conf'
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 pluginmanagerbase:124 Found plugin: Extractor 0.6 at t:\deluge\deluge-1.3.15-py2.7.egg\deluge\plugins\extractor-0.6-py2.7.egg
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 pluginmanagerbase:124 Found plugin: Execute 1.3 at t:\deluge\deluge-1.3.15-py2.7.egg\deluge\plugins\execute-1.3-py2.7.egg
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 pluginmanagerbase:124 Found plugin: Blocklist 1.3 at t:\deluge\deluge-1.3.15-py2.7.egg\deluge\plugins\blocklist-1.3-py2.7.egg
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 pluginmanagerbase:124 Found plugin: AutoAdd 1.5 at t:\deluge\deluge-1.3.15-py2.7.egg\deluge\plugins\autoadd-1.5-py2.7.egg
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 pluginmanagerbase:124 Found plugin: Label 0.2 at t:\deluge\deluge-1.3.15-py2.7.egg\deluge\plugins\label-0.2-py2.7.egg
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 pluginmanagerbase:124 Found plugin: Notifications 0.2 at t:\deluge\deluge-1.3.15-py2.7.egg\deluge\plugins\notifications-0.2-py2.7.egg
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 pluginmanagerbase:124 Found plugin: WebUi 0.1 at t:\deluge\deluge-1.3.15-py2.7.egg\deluge\plugins\webui-0.1-py2.7.egg
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 pluginmanagerbase:124 Found plugin: Scheduler 0.3 at t:\deluge\deluge-1.3.15-py2.7.egg\deluge\plugins\scheduler-0.3-py2.7.egg
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 torrentmanager:127 TorrentManager init..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 configmanager:111 Getting config 'core.conf'
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:306 Registering function for max_connections_per_torrent key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 torrentmanager:910 max_connections_per_torrent set to -1..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:306 Registering function for max_upload_slots_per_torrent key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 torrentmanager:916 max_upload_slots_per_torrent set to -1..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:306 Registering function for max_upload_speed_per_torrent key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 torrentmanager:921 max_upload_speed_per_torrent set to -1..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:306 Registering function for max_download_speed_per_torrent key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 torrentmanager:926 max_download_speed_per_torrent set to -1..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 alertmanager:97 Registered handler for alert torrent_finished_alert
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 alertmanager:97 Registered handler for alert torrent_paused_alert
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 alertmanager:97 Registered handler for alert torrent_checked_alert
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 alertmanager:97 Registered handler for alert tracker_reply_alert
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 alertmanager:97 Registered handler for alert tracker_announce_alert
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 alertmanager:97 Registered handler for alert tracker_warning_alert
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 alertmanager:97 Registered handler for alert tracker_error_alert
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 alertmanager:97 Registered handler for alert storage_moved_alert
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 alertmanager:97 Registered handler for alert storage_moved_failed_alert
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 alertmanager:97 Registered handler for alert torrent_resumed_alert
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 alertmanager:97 Registered handler for alert state_changed_alert
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 alertmanager:97 Registered handler for alert save_resume_data_alert
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 alertmanager:97 Registered handler for alert save_resume_data_failed_alert
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 alertmanager:97 Registered handler for alert file_renamed_alert
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 alertmanager:97 Registered handler for alert metadata_received_alert
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 alertmanager:97 Registered handler for alert file_error_alert
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 alertmanager:97 Registered handler for alert file_completed_alert
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 alertmanager:97 Registered handler for alert fastresume_rejected_alert
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 filtermanager:105 FilterManager init..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 configmanager:111 Getting config 'core.conf'
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:306 Registering function for autoadd_enable key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 autoadd:124 _on_autoadd_enable
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:306 Registering function for autoadd_location key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 autoadd:131 _on_autoadd_location
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 configmanager:111 Getting config 'core.conf'
[INFO    ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:369 Starting DelugeRPC server localhost:58846
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.add_torrent_file
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.add_torrent_magnet
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.add_torrent_url
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.connect_peer
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.create_torrent
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.disable_plugin
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.enable_plugin
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.force_reannounce
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.force_recheck
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.get_available_plugins
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.get_cache_status
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.get_config
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.get_config_value
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.get_config_values
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.get_enabled_plugins
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.get_filter_tree
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.get_free_space
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.get_libtorrent_version
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.get_listen_port
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.get_num_connections
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.get_path_size
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.get_session_state
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.get_session_status
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.get_torrent_status
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.get_torrents_status
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.glob
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.move_storage
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.pause_all_torrents
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.pause_torrent
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.queue_bottom
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.queue_down
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.queue_top
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.queue_up
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.remove_torrent
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.rename_files
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.rename_folder
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.rescan_plugins
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.resume_all_torrents
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.resume_torrent
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.set_config
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.set_torrent_auto_managed
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.set_torrent_file_priorities
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.set_torrent_max_connections
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.set_torrent_max_download_speed
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.set_torrent_max_upload_slots
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.set_torrent_max_upload_speed
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.set_torrent_move_completed
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.set_torrent_move_completed_path
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.set_torrent_options
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.set_torrent_prioritize_first_last
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.set_torrent_remove_at_ratio
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.set_torrent_stop_at_ratio
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.set_torrent_stop_ratio
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.set_torrent_trackers
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.test_listen_port
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: core.upload_plugin
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: daemon.get_method_list
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method:
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 rpcserver:398 Registering method: daemon.shutdown
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:306 Registering function for torrentfiles_location key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:306 Registering function for listen_ports key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:306 Registering function for listen_interface key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 preferencesmanager:270 random port value set to True
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 preferencesmanager:284 listen port range set to 58558-58568
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 config:306 Registering function for random_port key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 preferencesmanager:270 random port value set to True
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:54 preferencesmanager:284 listen port range set to 52906-52916
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for outgoing_ports key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for random_outgoing_ports key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for peer_tos key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:297 setting peer_tos to: 0x00
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for dht key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:305 dht value set to True
[WARNING ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:313 Unable to read DHT state file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'T:\\delugeconfig\\dht.state'
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for upnp key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:328 upnp value set to True
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for natpmp key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:335 natpmp value set to True
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for utpex key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:349 utpex value set to True
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for lsd key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:342 lsd value set to True
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for enc_in_policy key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:356 encryption value enc_in_policy set to 1..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:371 encryption settings:
			out_policy: 1
		        in_policy: 1
			level: 3
			prefer_rc4: True
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for enc_out_policy key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:356 encryption value enc_out_policy set to 1..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:371 encryption settings:
			out_policy: 1
		        in_policy: 1
			level: 3
			prefer_rc4: True
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for enc_level key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:356 encryption value enc_level set to 2..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:371 encryption settings:
			out_policy: 1
		        in_policy: 1
			level: 3
			prefer_rc4: True
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for enc_prefer_rc4 key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:356 encryption value enc_prefer_rc4 set to True..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:371 encryption settings:
			out_policy: 1
		        in_policy: 1
			level: 3
			prefer_rc4: True
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for max_connections_global key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:374 max_connections_global set to 200..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for max_upload_speed key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:378 max_upload_speed set to -1.0..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for max_download_speed key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:388 max_download_speed set to -1.0..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for max_upload_slots_global key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:397 max_upload_slots_global set to 4..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for max_half_open_connections key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for max_connections_per_second key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for ignore_limits_on_local_network key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for share_ratio_limit key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:410 share_ratio_limit set to 2.0..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for seed_time_ratio_limit key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:414 seed_time_ratio_limit set to 7.0..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for seed_time_limit key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:418 seed_time_limit set to 180..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for max_active_downloading key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:423 max_active_downloading set to 3..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for max_active_seeding key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:427 max_active_seeding set to 5..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for max_active_limit key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:431 max_active_limit set to 8..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for dont_count_slow_torrents key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:435 dont_count_slow_torrents set to False..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for send_info key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:439 Sending anonymous stats..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for proxies key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:499 Setting proxy settings: {'username': '', 'password': '', 'hostname': '', 'type': 0, 'port': 8080}
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for new_release_check key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:470 Checking for new release..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 core:209 get_new_release
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for rate_limit_ip_overhead key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:513 rate_limit_ip_overhead: True
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for geoip_db_location key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:517 geoip_db_location: /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat
[WARNING ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:530 Unable to find GeoIP database file!
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for cache_size key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:533 cache_size: 512
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 config:306 Registering function for cache_expiry key..
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 preferencesmanager:537 cache_expiry: 60
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 listen_succeeded_alert: successfully listening on [TCP]
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 listen_succeeded_alert: successfully listening on [TCP/SSL]
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 listen_succeeded_alert: successfully listening on [TCP] [::]:58558
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 listen_succeeded_alert: successfully listening on [TCP/SSL] [::]:4433
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 listen_succeeded_alert: successfully listening on [UDP]
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 listen_succeeded_alert: successfully listening on [TCP]
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 listen_succeeded_alert: successfully listening on [TCP/SSL]
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 listen_succeeded_alert: successfully listening on [TCP] [::]:52906
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 listen_succeeded_alert: successfully listening on [TCP/SSL] [::]:4433
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 listen_succeeded_alert: successfully listening on [UDP]
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: broadcasting search for rootdevice
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: adding port map: [ protocol: tcp ext_port: 52906 local_port: 52906 ] 
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: adding port map: [ protocol: tcp ext_port: 4433 local_port: 4433 ] 
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: adding port map: [ protocol: udp ext_port: 52906 local_port: 52906 ] 
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: NAT-PMP: found router at:
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: NAT-PMP: ==> get public IP address
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: NAT-PMP: ==> port map [ mapping: 0 action: add proto: tcp local: 52906 external: 52906 ttl: 3600 ]
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: found rootdevice: (0)
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: connecting to:
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: found rootdevice: (1)
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: connecting to:
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 alert: DHT error [hostname lookup] (11001) No such host is known
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 configmanager:111 Getting config 'core.conf'
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 torrentmanager:641 Opening torrent state file for load.
[INFO    ] 21:14:55 torrentmanager:651 Successfully loaded state file: T:\delugeconfig\state\torrents.state
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 torrentmanager:769 Opening torrents fastresume file for load.
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 rpcserver:469 intevents: {}
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 core:221 new_release: 1.3.15
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: found rootdevice: (2)
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: connecting to:
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: found control URL: namespace urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1 urlbase:  in response from
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: sending: POST /ctl/IPConn HTTP/1.1


Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"

Content-Length: 282

Soapaction: "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1#GetExternalIPAddress"

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle=""><s:Body><u:GetExternalIPAddress xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1"></u:GetExternalIPAddress></s:Body></s:Envelope>
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: get external IP address response: <?xml version="1.0"?>

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle=""><s:Body><u:GetExternalIPAddressResponse xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1"><NewExternalIPAddress>XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX</NewExternalIPAddress></u:GetExternalIPAddressResponse></s:Body></s:Envelope>

[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: got router external IP address XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: connecting to
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: sending: POST /ctl/IPConn HTTP/1.1


Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"

Content-Length: 622

Soapaction: "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1#AddPortMapping"

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle=""><s:Body><u:AddPortMapping xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1"><NewRemoteHost></NewRemoteHost><NewExternalPort>52906</NewExternalPort><NewProtocol>TCP</NewProtocol><NewInternalPort>52906</NewInternalPort><NewInternalClient>1
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: map response: <?xml version="1.0"?>

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle=""><s:Body><u:AddPortMappingResponse xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1"/></s:Body></s:Envelope>

[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 external_ip_alert: external IP received: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_alert: successfully mapped port using UPnP. external port: 52906
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: connecting to
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: sending: POST /ctl/IPConn HTTP/1.1


Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"

Content-Length: 619

Soapaction: "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1#AddPortMapping"

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle=""><s:Body><u:AddPortMapping xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1"><NewRemoteHost></NewRemoteHost><NewExternalPort>4433</NewExternalPort><NewProtocol>TCP</NewProtocol><NewInternalPort>4433</NewInternalPort><NewInternalClient>192
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: map response: <?xml version="1.0"?>

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle=""><s:Body><u:AddPortMappingResponse xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1"/></s:Body></s:Envelope>

[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_alert: successfully mapped port using UPnP. external port: 4433
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: connecting to
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: sending: POST /ctl/IPConn HTTP/1.1


Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"

Content-Length: 622

Soapaction: "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1#AddPortMapping"

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle=""><s:Body><u:AddPortMapping xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1"><NewRemoteHost></NewRemoteHost><NewExternalPort>52906</NewExternalPort><NewProtocol>UDP</NewProtocol><NewInternalPort>52906</NewInternalPort><NewInternalClient>1
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: map response: <?xml version="1.0"?>

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle=""><s:Body><u:AddPortMappingResponse xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1"/></s:Body></s:Envelope>

[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_alert: successfully mapped port using UPnP. external port: 52906
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: could not find a port mapping interface in response from:
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: could not find a port mapping interface in response from:
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: found rootdevice: (3)
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: connecting to:
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: could not find a port mapping interface in response from:
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: NAT-PMP: ==> port map [ mapping: 0 action: add proto: tcp local: 52906 external: 52906 ttl: 3600 ]
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: found rootdevice: (4)
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: connecting to:
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: could not find a port mapping interface in response from:
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:55 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: NAT-PMP: ==> port map [ mapping: 0 action: add proto: tcp local: 52906 external: 52906 ttl: 3600 ]
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:56 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: found rootdevice: (5)
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:56 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: connecting to:
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:56 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: could not find a port mapping interface in response from:
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:56 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: NAT-PMP: ==> port map [ mapping: 0 action: add proto: tcp local: 52906 external: 52906 ttl: 3600 ]
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:57 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: broadcasting search for rootdevice
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:57 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:57 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:57 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:57 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:57 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:57 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:57 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: NAT-PMP: ==> port map [ mapping: 0 action: add proto: tcp local: 52906 external: 52906 ttl: 3600 ]
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:58 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:58 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:14:58 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: NAT-PMP: ==> port map [ mapping: 0 action: add proto: tcp local: 52906 external: 52906 ttl: 3600 ]
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:00 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: NAT-PMP: ==> port map [ mapping: 0 action: add proto: tcp local: 52906 external: 52906 ttl: 3600 ]
[INFO    ] 21:15:00 rpcserver:206 Deluge Client connection made from:
[ERROR   ] 21:15:00 rpcserver:268 Password does not match
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "deluge\core\", line 262, in dispatch
  File "deluge\core\", line 95, in authorize
BadLoginError: Password does not match
[INFO    ] 21:15:01 rpcserver:226 Deluge client disconnected: Connection to the other side was lost in a non-clean fashion: Connection lost.
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:01 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: broadcasting search for rootdevice
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:01 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:01 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:01 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:01 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:01 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:01 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:02 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: NAT-PMP: ==> port map [ mapping: 0 action: add proto: tcp local: 52906 external: 52906 ttl: 3600 ]
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:04 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: NAT-PMP: ==> port map [ mapping: 0 action: add proto: tcp local: 52906 external: 52906 ttl: 3600 ]
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:06 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: NAT-PMP: ==> port map [ mapping: 1 action: add proto: tcp local: 4433 external: 4433 ttl: 3600 ]
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:06 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: NAT-PMP: ==> port map [ mapping: 1 action: add proto: tcp local: 4433 external: 4433 ttl: 3600 ]
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:07 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: broadcasting search for rootdevice
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:07 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:07 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:07 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:07 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:07 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:07 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:07 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: NAT-PMP: ==> port map [ mapping: 1 action: add proto: tcp local: 4433 external: 4433 ttl: 3600 ]
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:07 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:07 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:07 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: NAT-PMP: ==> port map [ mapping: 1 action: add proto: tcp local: 4433 external: 4433 ttl: 3600 ]
[INFO    ] 21:15:08 rpcserver:206 Deluge Client connection made from:
[ERROR   ] 21:15:08 rpcserver:268 Password does not match
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "deluge\core\", line 262, in dispatch
  File "deluge\core\", line 95, in authorize
BadLoginError: Password does not match
[INFO    ] 21:15:08 rpcserver:226 Deluge client disconnected: Connection to the other side was lost in a non-clean fashion: Connection lost.
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:09 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: NAT-PMP: ==> port map [ mapping: 1 action: add proto: tcp local: 4433 external: 4433 ttl: 3600 ]
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:10 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: NAT-PMP: ==> port map [ mapping: 1 action: add proto: tcp local: 4433 external: 4433 ttl: 3600 ]
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:11 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: NAT-PMP: ==> port map [ mapping: 1 action: add proto: tcp local: 4433 external: 4433 ttl: 3600 ]
[INFO    ] 21:15:12 rpcserver:206 Deluge Client connection made from:
[ERROR   ] 21:15:12 rpcserver:268 Password does not match
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "deluge\core\", line 262, in dispatch
  File "deluge\core\", line 95, in authorize
BadLoginError: Password does not match
[INFO    ] 21:15:12 rpcserver:226 Deluge client disconnected: Connection to the other side was lost in a non-clean fashion: Connection lost.
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:13 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: NAT-PMP: ==> port map [ mapping: 1 action: add proto: tcp local: 4433 external: 4433 ttl: 3600 ]
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:15 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: NAT-PMP: ==> port map [ mapping: 1 action: add proto: tcp local: 4433 external: 4433 ttl: 3600 ]
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:17 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: NAT-PMP: ==> port map [ mapping: 2 action: add proto: udp local: 52906 external: 52906 ttl: 3600 ]
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:18 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:18 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:18 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: NAT-PMP: ==> port map [ mapping: 2 action: add proto: udp local: 52906 external: 52906 ttl: 3600 ]
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:18 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: NAT-PMP: ==> port map [ mapping: 2 action: add proto: udp local: 52906 external: 52906 ttl: 3600 ]
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:19 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: NAT-PMP: ==> port map [ mapping: 2 action: add proto: udp local: 52906 external: 52906 ttl: 3600 ]
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:20 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: NAT-PMP: ==> port map [ mapping: 2 action: add proto: udp local: 52906 external: 52906 ttl: 3600 ]
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:21 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: NAT-PMP: ==> port map [ mapping: 2 action: add proto: udp local: 52906 external: 52906 ttl: 3600 ]
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:23 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: NAT-PMP: ==> port map [ mapping: 2 action: add proto: udp local: 52906 external: 52906 ttl: 3600 ]
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:25 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: NAT-PMP: ==> port map [ mapping: 2 action: add proto: udp local: 52906 external: 52906 ttl: 3600 ]
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:26 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: NAT-PMP: ==> port map [ mapping: 2 action: add proto: udp local: 52906 external: 52906 ttl: 3600 ]
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:28 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:28 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:37 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:37 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:48 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:48 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:58 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
[DEBUG   ] 21:15:58 alertmanager:124 portmap_log_alert: UPnP: HTTP method m-search from
Contents of delugeconfig dir:

Code: Select all

    Directory: T:\delugeconfig

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----       10/15/2017   8:46 PM                plugins
d-----       10/15/2017   8:46 PM                ssl
d-----       10/15/2017   9:41 PM                state
-a----       10/15/2017   9:14 PM             57 auth
-a----       10/15/2017   8:46 PM              0 deluged.log
-a----       10/15/2017   9:38 PM             10
Any help would be appreciated! I am running under the context of a domain admin, so there should not be any permission issues

Re: Unable to start Daemon

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 10:12 pm
by mugiwata
FWIW, I was able to get it to work by taking a core.conf file from another machine, putting it on this one, and editing it. I also was able to connect to the console by specifying a -c T:\delugeconfig flag which got me past the password issue. Finally, I was able to get it to run as a service using NSSM: I wanted to try to use a local service installation via either sc.exe or powershell new-service, but I couldn't get the response to work correctly. Will use NSSM for now and investigate other options later. Thanks.